On Friday, January 7, 2011, Marty Ryan & Stephanie Fawkes-Lee of Fawkes-Lee & Ryan will conduct a 2-hour workshop on how the Iowa Legislature works. The workshop will start promptly at noon and will end at 2:00 pm. The workshop will be held at Wesley United Methodist Church, 800 East 12th Street, Des Moines, IA 50316-4304. The cost of the workshop is $10.00 per individual. The fee is non-refundable.
Registration is requested no later than December 31st, 2010. Registrations will be accepted at the door. However, those who have not pre-registered may not be guaranteed a packet. There will be limited numbers of packets available to those who have not pre-registered.
The workshop will feature a walk-through on how a bill goes from inception through enactment. Fundamentals of bill construction, as well as political considerations attached covertly and informally to almost ever bill, will be explained to whatever depth time will allow.
Registration form (please print):
Daytime telephone number:_________________________________________________
Will you need any special accommodations? ____Yes ____No
Enclosed is a personal check of $10 for my registration _____
I will pay at the door upon arrival _____
Send your registration and $10.00 registration fee to:
Fawkes-Lee & Ryan
2643 Beaver Ave., #335
Des Moines, IA 50310-3909
For more information contact Marty Ryan, Fawkes-Lee & Ryan, info@iowappa.com