Category Archives: Fairness

Fairness goes beyond Due Process, but Due Process is an element.

The Pledge Paradox

The Des Moines Register has been running a series giving readers and voters information on upcoming candidates running for office. Although special interest groups help fund campaigns, it is hard-earned taxpayer money that pays the salaries and generous health and … Continue reading

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Iowa Governor Reynolds’ “Poor” Math

Last December, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds turned down $29 million of federal funding that would have provided a low-income family $40 per month “to help with food costs” during the 3-month break in the school year. Her justification for snubbing … Continue reading

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Garbage Day

National Football League quarterback Kirk Cousins is leaving the Minnesota Vikings after signing a contract with the Atlanta Falcons for 4-years and $180 million dollars with $100 million of it guaranteed. It’s quite a contract. He had stated earlier in … Continue reading

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The Grace of God

The Des Moines River flows about a third of a mile east of our house. Between the house and the river is a street, a recreational trail, and a levee. On the other side of the levee is a housing … Continue reading

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Pissed as a Peacock!

Decades ago, I would sit down in front of the television set at 5:30 pm (Central time) and watch national news, followed by local news. It wasn’t really local; the local channel came out of Omaha – 80 miles away. … Continue reading

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For What It’s Worth

The topic of professional baseball salaries came up in discussion in a bar one sunny afternoon in 1980. One person at the table was rigid in his opinion that no professional athlete is worth a million dollars. In November of … Continue reading

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