Why everyone should consider wearing face masks all the time:
Women only need eye makeup
Men don’t need to shave
It will cover up bad breath
You won’t be able to pick your nose
You might not be recognized by a person with whom you don’t want a conversation
It keeps your face warm in cold weather
People will take you seriously when you warn them “you should not get too close to me.”
Your zits and other blemishes will be hidden
You may look better if a tooth is missing
Cooties and COVID will not fly up your nose
No one will know if you have a cold sore
A mask will prevent anyone from focusing on crusty nose hairs
Chapped lips will be protected from the cold and wind, and will not be exposed to gossips
You can blame masks for having your ears stick out
Someone will not be able to give you an unwanted or surprise kiss
You can show support for your favorite sports team right out front with a mask bearing the team’s logo/emblem
A pasty complexion is masked – literally
Prevents frostbite when skiing or sledding in the winter
Masks are generally free at some establishments if you don’t have one
But the most important reason of all – you will not be subjected to facial recognition programs
You convinced me.