The Ins and Outs of Baseball

Okay, read carefully. You got nine guys in and nine guys out.

The nine guys out try to get the nine guys in out three times.

The nine guys in send guys up to get on so that they can get in, without getting out.

Once the nine guys out get the nine guys in out three times, the nine guys out come in and the nine guys in go out to get the nine guys in, who were out, out three times.

The nine guys in, who were out, also send guys up to try to get on so that they can get in without getting out. Sometimes, one of the guys in will hit one out. If it stays in without going out, all the guys on at that time, including the guy who hit it out, get to come in without getting out.

After the nine guys out and the nine guys in go in and out nine times the guys with the most guys in after getting on without getting out are the winners.




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